Wednesday, August 29, 2018

What's next?

           It's been twenty five years since I started in the fitness business. I fell into by accident in Germany and have been in it ever since. I started as a fitness instructor teaching step aerobics in my apartment complex laundry room to ladies in my building. At the top of my game I was presenting in Las Vegas for IDEA (a large trade conference) to a room full of instructors a yoga weight combination I created called Yo-Wei.
      It was the perfect gig for an entrepreneur, ADD, stay-at-home (mostly) mom with a deep desire to help others. I giggle as I look back at the things I learned about people, their weight and how life with it's ups and downs would allow me a rare glimpse into the dark places few people allow others. I was trusted with lives that had seen ups and downs and many had the scars to prove it.
         I got into personal training after my daughter was born. I was fat from pregnancy, depressed and needed to do something. I figured I would help myself first. I went back into the fitness room to teach aerobics weighing in at 200 lbs. Ashamed of my weight I knew I couldn't hide and needed to be as honest and transparent as possible. I was my first and most important client. In the past 19 years of personal training I have learned so much about this field.
I learned that:
-You can't want it more than your client
-If people don't pay for it they don't appreciate it
- If someone doesn't "feel" sore they will think you didn't do your job
- Sweat is somehow the only way you know you are burning fat, so they better sweat
- Your body is your business card make sure people believe what you say by the way you live
- this job is tough not everyone likes your style and some will go on to be successful without you
- you can't win them all and you can't lose the weight for them
- people will lie about everything including what they eat
- I was hired to change their bodies but really many wanted me to change their lives--- I often failed . they had to do that on their own.
- for many, exercise is where people go to hide their pain they need love and care first-- an ass whooping second-- be kind
- people are more afraid of success than failure and they will quit more often because of that than anything. Help them succeed first then they can stop trying to fail.
- If you don't offer a quick fix or magic pill they will find ways to get it without you
- They will show up time and time again hoping you will continue to help and believe in them - - there is magic in that -- be grateful you were chosen.

Our bodies are the most important place we live- our soul resides there but with a host of the best of who we are, the worst and the hope that we can change that in the future. My personal training career was a gift to me more than to my clients. I spent that time; running races from 5k's to marathons, competed for several years as a natural bodybuilder and completed two half Ironman races and two Full Ironman races. I never did those things to "prove" how great I was but really to create a path for anyone I worked with to show that they too could do anything they wanted to do.

I must be honest, I'm tired and it's time to call it a great success. I have spent many hours rearranging my schedule to help someone get a workout in, fielded countless phone calls of folks who "forgot" they had a sessions. Listened to hours of people telling them selves lies about what they were capable of and not doing great things because of it. I have given up traditional jobs, health care and retirement  funds to see people be great. I have been through it all, the good, the bad and,the ugly, and I wouldn't change a thing. I loved all my experiences and couldn't be more grateful for everyone who participated in my life and allowed me to participate in theirs.

I couldn't give up fitness or my life in it completely. I have already started the next - next thing.
I am working full time in real estate and will be doing some freelance work in fitness.

I will be blogging. I will be taking classes at fitness studios all over Asheville reviewing them and telling  you what's happening in the industry. Writing is a passion I have had all my life and a hobby much of it. Now it's time to really do more. My son and I are working out together and I am doing now what I call "oxygen mask behavior" taking care of me first. It's difficult to not help when it's where you feel like you really shine. It has finally occurred to me - I have to help myself first then help others.  Look for me on FB at Get Fit Asheville -- Thank you if you were one of my clients..
Also Look out for me doing real estate full time is the new/same gig!!

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