Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Big Magic

I finished Elizabeth Gilbert's new book "Big Magic" and loved it. The timing couldn't have been more perfect and I want to share the three things I got out of it.  The book is acts as a guide to living in creativity. Gilbert helps us to explore what creativity is, can be and how to live it out. She believes what you are destined to do is inside with your creativity  but creativity may need it's own journey to find it's way. Yes, creativity as though it has life and finds it's own way.  I found her description of it fascinating, giving it life and making it clear that you have it but it doesn't always have you. A good idea will find it's way into the Universe and even if it was your idea it doesn't mean you'll be in charge of doing it.
Gilbert talks about the elements of creativity and many of them aren't sexy and require a level of work and commitment many aren't willing to give. I love what I do and have struggled for years with whether I should get a "real job"according to my critics. As a personal trainer I do so much more than just help people get fit and it's where I feel the most creative. When I design a workout or find a way to get someone past a fear or when someone loses 50lbs with my help, It's all big magic to me and I am glad to be on the journey.
Big magic gave me permission to think about my creativity as part of my craft and it made sense of things I have been grappling with for years. Here are my three takeaways:
1.  Creativity doesn't propagate scarcity, people do. - Do what you love to do even if lots of people do it. Gilbert reminds us " no one will do it the way you will". As a trainer I can see there are lots of people who need my help and finding those people or having them find me is part of my creativity.  In Seth Godin's book "The Purple Cow" he notes "you don't have to be the best, you just have to be first" So don't analyze things too much and paralyze your creativity. Get busy.
2. Your creativity shouldn't have to pay your bills- If you have a good idea then begin to work it and don't blow up your whole life and put everything on red when the dealer calls black. The past 20 years I have done everything I can do as it relates to fitness. Couch to 5k programs, corporate wellness, fitness classes, training teens, adults and very reluctant employees, help trainers increase their business, cook for clients, host dinner and yoga and make t-shirts with cute fitness sayings.  I have said "yes" to just about anything that would help me get ahead in wellness and get a check. I haven't given up on my dream of the big office and the big windows with a big pay check training America's largest companies in wellness and speaking around the country- but for now I have to hustle.
3. Eat your #%$* sandwich- Gilbert refers to the unpleasant things we have to do to get to the next level as a sandwich that you have to eat to get to the place you are trying to go. For me, it's paperwork. Each month I sit down with my &*%$ sandwich and send out invoices so I can get paid. It's part of the work and although I love what it yields but sitting still and thinking about numbers, yep not my favorite. She maintains our desire to get ahead and keep creating can lie in the eating of that sandwich. There are just somethings you will have to do.

I cooked for several clients for about three months. I loved the idea that it helped make Monday's (the hardest day of the week for me since my divorce) productive. My therapist said "don't get pissed get productive"  cooking answered that call.  It's been therapy for me and taking care of people makes my heart sing. Now, Monday's are good in fact they are great and I am no longer feeling the need to cook. It served as part of my healing, I had big magic and now I have more of me back. Somethings you must do may only serve as a bridge to get to the other side. I am on the other side and it feels good.

The book was an easy read and allows you to get out there and start over everyday.
It's big magic that space we hold to do things that make us smile, sleep better and leave this world a better place.

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